'Har Har Mahadev' we proclaimed and set about our 'satyagraha committed to co-operation'.
Heartiest congratulations to all the men-women-children who did the purushartha by observing all or even some of its points upto the 14th of December. We talked about the answer to the question 'What next?' then; and that is what we are going to do this moment again.
Pakistan has a democratically elected government. The co-operation shared by Mr. Zardari's party operating in the name of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto's name and Mr. Nawaz Sherif's party, is what the existence of this government solely depends upon. Moreover, Mr. Zardari has neither the required political maturity nor a profound study of the circumstances and more importantly nor even the tact to win over a solid popular backing. Mr. Nawaz Sherif on the other hand, has extensive experience apart from the advantage of commendable relations with leaders of other nations. The way Mr. Nawaz Sherif puts these aspects to use, will decide the course of many events to come. Also I.S.I. the secret organization of Pakistan and some military officers of Pakistan will go to any extent to grab power and take full control; and for the purpose, what they need is a situation that will necessarily result in war.
If, yielding to international pressure, the democratic government of Pakistan decides to co-operate with India, not only will the war be averted but all potential causes of war too will be rendered ineffective, which fact the I.S.I. is fully aware of. Besides, what the I.S.I. knows better than any other body is that India is not in the least an aggressive, war-hungry or an imperialist nation.
....Should such a situation arise, the democratic government will gain steady ground in Pakistan - another fact that the I.S.I. and the opportunist military officers see clearly; which is precisely why they are going all out to impede co-operation between India and the government of Pakistan. The results of these efforts on their part are now beginning to bear fruit.
Now, bogged down under pressure both from the I.S.I. and the popular trend of thought, the government of Pakistan is now forced to retract even the so-called anti-terrorist measures taken. Actually speaking, the popular trend of thought is in no way spontaneous, it has been rigged by the I.S.I. The mass media of Pakistan too, for different reasons, are engaged in making allegations against India. Despite the existent democratic system, they too have sold off their positive approach along with the freedom of press.
So then, the war is now more or less inevitable.
The Indian politicians and the Indian government have, exhibiting abundant tolerance, restraint and political maturity, carefully taken every measure to avert war. It is however, more than obvious that India is not going to get any co-operative response whatsoever from Pakistan. Therefore all that remains now, is to arrive at a specific moment for an attack, based on the talks and recommendations with international friends. With the attack on Mumbai, Pakistan's undeclared war against India cooking for years now, culminates into an outright and open war.
It is indeed imperitive for India to take stringent steps because if India adopts a linient or indulgent policy, the I.S.I. could bring about terrorist attacks in many Indian cities and that it will surely end up doing. The destruction in that case would be even more horrific and so not withstanding the consequences of war, it would indeed be advisable for India to go to war.
Once the war begins, the strategies and plans could keep changing every moment and along with them, the situation inside of the country and outside of it.
My dear sons of India-our motherland, in the articles that follow, we will talk about the international trend of thought, study the situation within the country in the event of war and also discuss the measures to be taken in the event.
*(Friends, why is the Indian government dillydallying the launch of war? or why is it resorting to a policy of unwarranted restraint in the matter? would be questions that come up for many.
But that is really not the case! Not at all! As a matter of fact, India and all other thoughtful international bodies are well aware that if such a war happens, it is going to be the first ever war on earth between two nations possessing nuclear weapons.
This fact calls for appropriate and bilateral caution and care regarding 'nuclear arms' at every step. And the point is, the Indian government is putting the available time to this prudent use.)