The editorial written by Parampoojya Aniruddha Bapu (Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi) for the ‘Dainik Pratyaksha’ issue dated December 24, 2008.

That Pakistan is the chief supporting structure of the terrorist network in the world, has fully convinced every single nation in the world, right from the United States to any small nation.Owing to the terrorist activity in the region near its border, China too would rather stay away from 'this nuisance'. However, owing to the gigantic ambition in every field on the part of both China and North Korea, they feel compelled to be one up on the United States, India, Russia and the European Union and in every field again. In order to achieve this China also finds it essential that the United States, India, Japan and the European nations be subjected to constant uncertainty and this is precisely what binds the devious triad China-North Korea-Pakistan together.
China wants to become the topmost military and economic power in the world; North Korea wants to gulp down South Korea and then top up if possible, this satisfying meal with morsels of the neighbouring nations as well. As for Pakistan, it nurses a wish to banish the superiority and the authority of Saudi Arabia and grab sway at a different and more comprehensive level.
The ambitions of all of these three nations thus converge in the same direction; besides one does not stand in the way of the other, which is the one main reason that keeps them together. It is in fact their need.
Moreover, that India ought to attack and put Pakistan in its place, is not only India's need but also that of the United States, of Saudi Arabia and the European Union. Owing to the fact that both Russia and Japan have a very clear idea of China's plans, not to mention the fruits of terrorism that Russia has had to taste, they are very keen on thwarting China's ally.
In order to conserve its position on the political scene, Saudi Arabia has to mutely toe the line that India and the United States adopt.
....and it is precisely these circumstances or rather the fact that the pieces have fallen in these respective places at this particular moment, that all of these nations not only give consent to the 'surgical strike' by India but are even willing to co-operate in the matter
.....and this is precisely why Pakistan's nuclear equipment need not at all intimidate India. Also, one single nuclear weapon launched by the rash military officers of Pakistan against India will activate all nations possessing nuclear weapons, except China, in India's favour
.....and this is precisely what the Pakistan government fears as much as the senior military officers and the I.S.I. Therefore this kind of an act is what only the terrorists, who do not foresee this fact, could do.
However, the irony of the present times is that it has become a must for the Pakistan military to see to it that such an act does not happen.
Although experts comply with this opinion, we cannot be ignoring the fact that a number of terrorist have spread their limbs in various regions of Pakistan which causes the United States and Saudi Arabia to exert enormous pressure on Pakistan in India's favour and until the end of war.
Although destroying terrorist camps, bases in Pakistan and in Pakistan occupied Kashmir remains the prime objective of this 'surgical strike', it is very much the desire of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the European Union that India should go ahead and liberate Baluchistan and not restrict itself to it.
Actually speaking the liberation of Baluchistan could work in favour of the rest of pakistan and in other words in favour of the democratic government as well because Baluchistan has proved to be nothing but a nuisance for Pakistan over the past so many years. But then, should Baluchistan be liberated, the boundaries of Pakistan would change in such a way that the equations relating to the intimacy of the terrorists with Pakistan would be upset and as a result it would not be as easy for Pakistan to give shelter and support to terrorists as it is now.
Moreover, both Pakistan and the Pakistan media are very much aware that no nation in the world will so much as take note of the uproar that they have stirred up. But then they have to keep making crude remarks against India just to boost the morale of the people of Pakistan or in other words, to win their support.The Indian Airforce is going to play a major role in this war and so Pakistan too is looking to ready its airforce. Pakistan cannot hope to procure extra fighter planes and allied weapons from any nation except for China and if at all China has the guts to do so, it will be inviting infinite trouble on the economic front. Should India, the United States and the European nations decide to ban entry of Chinese goods even for three months, there could be tremendous upheaval in China. And China obviously does not want to invite this hassle, at least not now. But China will for sure, extend as much help as it can through the back door merely in order to maintain friendship with Pakistan; but again only until it gains strong ground in the economic field. The moment China gains total economic independence with the help of the South American countries and Africa, China can turn extremely mean and that is what it is going to be. If it so happens that China encounters no obstacle in its path, it can attain this position in a mere five year period and in that case, curbing China's ambitions will prove an extremely difficult task.
Therefore as India immobilizes China's bosom pal, it becomes imperative for the United States and the allies to take Russia into confidence and wipe out the authority of China as also the terrorist impact in the South American countries and in Africa. But then here again India needs to act the mediator as neither the Latin American nations nor the African nations would want to put complete trust in the United States and that is precisely where India and Russia could prove useful.
The meet of Indian ambassadors to 122 nations that the Indian minister for foreign affairs called, was not merely to hand over proof pointing to Pakistan's terrorism; it was definitely for exploring various ways of co-operating with the nations, who pledge to support India. This meet is a fruit of the prudence exhibited by the Indian government, the ruling and the opposition parties and the senior government officials of India. Further, it is also proof that India has now mastered the skill of making use of an available opportunity. Now what India needs to urgently master, is to create an opportunity where it does not exist i.e. promote goodwill and co-operation in its favour in the Latin American and the African countries.
As all of these events unfold, 'Parvez Musharraf' is the name we cannot lose sight of because this person's political ambitions are boundless and they can take flight at any moment. But for the present moment at least, the democratic government of Pakistan, the Pakistan military and the I.S.I. are in no mood to shake hands with Mr. Parvez Musharraf and the United States can make good use of this.
There now remains just the one person, who can save Pakistan from destruction and that is Mr. Nawaz Sherif. Had Mrs. Benazir Bhutto been alive, this would have been easier. the politicians and the military officers of Pakistan, wanting to save their country, will have to call in Mr. Nawaz Sherif or if need be, even Mrs. Bhutto's son (Bilawal Bhutto) and then plan the future line of action. The only fear that looms large is, that if this does not happen, the power in Pakistan will pass over once again to the reckless and hot-headed militant leaders. But then all said and done, it is for Pakistan to decide.
There is absolutely no doubt that the war will happen. Therefore friends, in the following article, let us study the effects of war. Every true Indian citizen must indeed be aware of his responsibility, what good is it to merely shout slogans that 'we want war' and rejoice when war begins?